Friday, July 19, 2024

2014 Freeze Frame of My Son on Carlsbad Beach

 Haven't done much painting this year. Just finished writing my first book in December and taking a creative break.  I've had a full sheet of 300# watercolor paper laying on my art cabinet on which several years ago (pre-Covid) I smeared thick gesso on to build up texture in random patterns. They I cut out words from magazines and glued them on randomly with more gesso, and made some other marks. I had a vague idea what I wanted to do with it, but it took several years before I was ready. Maybe it was too emotional and I wasn't ready. Not sure. Dwight's been gone to Arkansas for almost six months and one of the ways I fight anxiety is by "arting" so I finally went back to this painting in July. It's finished and at the framer's now. It's multimedia. I used casein (for the first time), watercolor, Nupastel, and a white gel pen. I really like the way it turned out and reminds me of that evening on the beach in Carlsbad. It was Father's Day and we all four went down the road to the beach (we were living on Carlsbad Blvd at the time) and had a bonfire. We took marshmallows and Chad took his guitar. It was a great time. At one point, Sean got up and walked towards the water and looked out over the sea towards the setting sun on the horizon. It was a pensive, emotional moment and I took his photo. It reminds me that for four months our family lived together - as adults - in a very special space. I'll cherish it always.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Autumn Speaks

Autumn arrives, promising new life amidst the drama of death. A carnival of color.

We know about cholorophyll: the science behind the magic. But behind the science, there’s more magic. Why the gratuitous color? Why make dying so spectacular? In a world charged with the grandeur of God, this riotous change of scene can teach us. God puts on the mystery play of autumn and speaks:
1. Autumn wakes us up to wonder.
When spring regenerates the world, I notice the bright new green for maybe a week. I celebrate the leaves’ birth, the world’s fresh clothes. But by August, it’s all just background. These delicate, intricate, innumerable fluttering treefingers are a green wash.
There’s nothing wrong with the leaves. It’s me: repetition inoculates me against wonder. Like G. K. Chesterton says, I don’t have God’s capacity to delight again and again at each new leaf. He keeps unfurling them—they even wave to get my attention!—but the eyes of my soul glaze over.
In autumn, the creativity of God hollers. Look at these things! These paper-thin solar cells that convert sunlight into acorns! They’re everywhere, and they’re made by a God who, as N. D. Wilson reminds us, doesn’t know how to stop creating. Autumn reminds us that there’s a world of wonder.
2. Autumn promises that there’s glory after summer.
I’m young. My leaves are green, and I’m still spreading branches. Western culture is all about the glories of youth: strength, vitality, a body not weathered or weakened by time. We are a spring-and-summer people.
Spring and summer have their splendors. But autumn has a glory all its own. Autumn leaves are delicate, but their colors are so bright they almost shine. Summer’s wardrobe of green is great, but it has nothing on the end-of-life beauty of the fall.
They’re taking on the beauty of autumn, showing dimensions of glory that my green summer-self doesn’t display.
And my mother, my last parent still on this tree, is a golden sweetness.
3. Autumn reminds us that winter is coming.
The ruckus of autumn’s glory gives way to the silence of winter. Just in time for me to notice how many leaves there are and how beautiful each is, they’re going. The colors fade, and the leaves fall.
Autumn reminds us that our leaves too will die. The curse we inherited from our father-tree Adam means we have our seasons and then we go. Winter takes us all.
This is worth stopping to consider. My chlorophyll will break down; my limbs will turn brittle; one of these breaths I now take casually will be my last.
And what, then, when my tether snaps from this mortal coil?
Autumn can draw our attention to the one man who broke through winter into an unending summer. The one who spent three days brown and dead in the dirt and came back in an indestructible green. The one who wasn’t just a leaf; he was a whole new tree.
Winter comes to us all. But winter isn’t the end for Christians, because our lives are joined to a tree that winter cannot touch. Death has no sting; winter has no bite. We will fall from the tree of Adam; but we will flower again in a spring of eternal, glorious growth.
Holding this truth gives us the hope to die beautifully.

repetition inoculates me against wonder.
G. K. Chesterton says, I don’t have God’s capacity to delight again and again at each new leaf. He keeps unfurling them—they even wave to get my attention!—but the eyes of my soul glaze over.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Size Matters - Watercolor Paper

Sharing with my fellow watercolor artists some information on the business side of art - specifically selling, displaying, shipping art, etc.

First, it's most economical to cut a full sheet of watercolor paper which is 30″ x 22″, into workable sizes that will fit standard frames (without much waste) saving you and/or your customer the cost of custom mat and frame. (see first illustration).
Frame Size Mat Opening Image Size
8" x 10" 4.5" x 6.5" 5" x 7"
11" x 14" 7.5" x 9.5" 8" x 10"
16" x 20" 10.5" x 13.5" 11" x 14"
20" x 24" 15.5" x 19.5" 16" x 20"
24" x 36" 19.5" x 29.5" 20" x 30"
30" x 40" 21.5" x 31.5" 22" x 32"

Some artists use Imperial measurement and describe their painting in "A" sizes and millimeters [crossing eyes] - (see 2nd illustration). Note: these sizes require a custom mat and custom framing which can be very expensive. Watercolor paper is sold many ways, such as blocks. What I'm talking about is the individual full sheets.
Full sheet: 22″ x 30″
Half sheet: 15″ x 22″
Quarter sheet: 11″ x 15″
1/8 sheet: 7-1/2″ x 11″

When displaying and/or selling paper art (i.e. watercolor, etc.) it will typically be matted with a foam board backing and inside a Crystal Clear Bag sold online at and also on Amazon, but you may find them at some art stores. The painting will be hinged inside with special archival framer's tape (see 3rd illustration). There are videos on YouTube on how to do this yourself, but I find it easier to just let Hobby Lobby or Michaels do it, including adding the foam board back. (This whole process is a lot and if you are like me it's a challenge for us right-brainers which is why I'm sharing this!)

One online vendor for precut standard size foam board is They, as well as cheapjoes, sell complete sets/systems which include the mat, foam board back, and clear bag. Again, for me until I'm selling much more frequently, I'm opting for someone else like Hobby Lobby doing this for me - I'd rather spend my time painting!

Last, if you are mailing your art you'll need a Rigid Mailer - Stay Flat Document Mailer (available on Amazon in many sizes). It also wouldn't hurt to buy a roll of red Handle With Care - Do Not Bend stickers (1,000 for about $7 on Amazon). I was trying to mail a 12x16" today and neither the post office or FedEx stores had anything large enough. Remember to charge postage shipping cost to your customers. It can get expensive depending on size and method of shipping. Much of this was shared with me by a fellow artist and since I believe in the principle of "each one teach one", I'm passing this along. Happy painting!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Morning Has Broken

 In the farthest corners of the earth 
the glorious acts of God 
shall startle everyone. 
The dawn and sunset shout for joy!

Psalm 65:8

Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
